I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.
C. S. Lewis

Saturday, December 18, 2010

"If you can't remember a better time, you can have mine, little one."

As I get older and don't get to see my friends as often I tend to understand what I've been told by so many that time really does fly and making the most of right now really does matter most.

My husband and I got to see some old college buddies this weekend and it was really nice to kind of feel young again. I know, I know, it's sounds silly, because I'm not all that old, but I'm much older now than I used to be. I'm not a college kid anymore. I'm not a newlywed. I'm a wife, mother, former teacher, and friend.

Boy do we take on many roles in our life. If I were to name all the ones I hold/have held I'd be here all night. As I sit here reminiscing on things gone by I can't help but think about how all our lives are so much different now. We went to a wedding of yet another one of our friends' this evening and it was lovely. As our little group sat around the table at the reception I couldn't help but notice that most of us were married now and have a kid or want one soon. Seemed like just yesterday we were staying up at all hours playing games or just talking all over at one of our apartments. Good times, when we all lived either in walking distance of one another or just a short ride away. I miss that. Being able to hang out practically whenever we wanted. People always feeling welcomed to just come on in and hang out. Tons of people over and having a great time just....being.

Sometimes I long for those times of simplicity again.

I love my family and just love my life so much. Our little bean just makes us laugh and continues to amaze us daily. I can't believe how fast she's growing and developing. She will probably be crawling in about a week or so I'm sure. I've really got to finish the baby proofing that's for sure.

I feel as if I'm rambling here. Maybe I am, but I just needed to vent a little. After all, isn't that what a blog is for?

I think major holidays tend to provoke introspection in most people, and that's ok. I find myself beginning to wonder, "Is this how my parents' felt? Did they go through this?" My outlook on things seem so much different now. Despite all the craziness and the longing for old days, I am incredibly blessed and am so thankful for everything God has given me. Why He's blessed me so much, I'll never know, but I will be forever grateful. I still have tons of dreams and goals for the future and look forward to all the things to come. I pray that God will give me strength to make the best decisions and be the kind of person He needs me to be.

Sorry for the ranting tonight guys. I hope it made some sense. Have a lovely evening, and if I don't write before then, have a wonderful Christmas.

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